
This corner is introducing about my characters.


there are all of original characters. They aren’t related to the real nationality, personality and interesting and so on.



From: Belgium

Nationality: Belgium

Birthday: 21 November

Height: 172cm

Hobby: collecting cats and shopping


From: Germany

Nationality: German

Birthday: 30 August

Height: 161cm

Hobby: football

Merle (Leader)

From: Paris, France

Nationality: French

Birthday: 4 September

Height: 164cm

Hobby: shopping and talking


From: Luzern, Switzerland

Nationality: Swiss, German (half of Danish German and Swiss)

Birthday: 4 May

Height: 175cm

Hobby: reading books


From: Italy

Nationality: Italian

Birthday: 7 August

Height: 177cm

Hobby: shopping and talking


From Luxembourg

Nationality: Dutch

Birthday: 7 March

Height: 168cm

Hobby: dancing, jogging and cycling


From: Vienna, Austria

Nationality: Austrian

Birthday: 28 April

Height: 152cm

Hobby: listening to the classic and playing instruments.